Friday, December 7, 2012

John F Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy was sworn in on January 23, 1961 along with Vice President Johnson. He wished America to resume its old mission as the first nation dedicated to the revolution of human rights.
On November 22, 1963, when he was hardly past his first thousand days in office, John F Kennedy was killed by an assassin's bullets as his motorcade wound through Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was the youngest man elected President; he was the youngest to die.

I belive he was killed becuase he believed African American Civil Rights. He was a real war hero. He was young, rich, handsome, glamourous,and  intelligent. Kennedy was popular with people in general, but not big business. He took action in the cause of equal rights calling for new civil rights legislation. His vision of America extended to the quality of the national culture and the central role of the arts in a vital society.He wanted New hope for both the equal rights of Americans and peace of the world.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

~My Inspiration~

My mother inspire me to want to be as a good of a role model for myself and others as I can possibly be. I get inspiration from a desire to be the best i can be, not from a desire to emulate someone esle. I observed my parent and knew them since I was born. It was very natural for me as a young child to get impressed by thier minor achievement, and want to fellow in thier footsteps. Beside they took special care to inculcate in my skills, habit and ideas, that i found very useful in my life. At the moment, I think my parent are a major source of inspiration for me.

Monday, October 1, 2012

The role of a Husband

       All little Girls dream of the prefect man to marry. Men and women have different ideas on what the role of husband should be. The diffenece between the way men and women think can lead to problems in a marriage.

     Men don't understand how hard it is to be mother, a wife, a sister, a friend, and an employee. In their minds we have it easy. We don't have to do all the hard physical labor or work that they do. Some of us mothers stay home and men don't see that as work. Being a stay at home is one of the hardest jobs ever. You could argue the point about changing places with a man. but that arguement is age old.

      Men have always claimed that they have it harder. Men help make the babies but don't have to carry them for nine months or give birth. Men help make money but they dont buy grocies, prepare meals, (Unless it barbequeing), clean the bathroom, take care of the kids, etc.... Men help life heavy items but only if asked. Men have a short attention span which makes it hard for them to be focused.

     An ideal men would be at his womens beck and call 24?7. He would go shopping and not complain especially about the price. He would clean the house completely before she got home. He would have dinner warm and ready. He would watch all her shows on t.v. and at the movies without complaining.

    In conclusion, the dream of having a the perfect husband will always be a dream. Despite the diffeneces between men and women they can't make it without each other. the role of husband is just as  importent as the role of a wife. The key to getting along is understanding trusting, and compromising with each other.


Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Happy For Forgiveness.....

I found out about student loans when I was watching the news. Obama was saying that if you were the first person to go to college in your family, your student loan would be forgiven. In order to have your student loan forgiven, you have to perform volunteer work or perform miltary service. If you serve in the  Army National Guard, you may be forgiven for $10,000 of student loans. Grants are another good source of college money. They are not loans and do not required payments. I think this is a great idea if Obama made this a law because I may benefit from this. I think I might be the first person in my family to go to college in this new law would help me save more money.

  • Being the first person in my family to go to college is very important.
  • Obama said that your student loans may be forgiven.
  • Grants are harder to get but, do not have to be repaid.
look for the link to education and loans