I found out about student loans when I was watching the news. Obama was saying that if you were the first person to go to college in your family, your student loan would be forgiven. In order to have your student loan forgiven, you have to perform volunteer work or perform miltary service. If you serve in the Army National Guard, you may be forgiven for $10,000 of student loans. Grants are another good source of college money. They are not loans and do not required payments. I think this is a great idea if Obama made this a law because I may benefit from this. I think I might be the first person in my family to go to college in this new law would help me save more money.
- Being the first person in my family to go to college is very important.
- Obama said that your student loans may be forgiven.
- Grants are harder to get but, do not have to be repaid.
look for the link to education and loans